
Showing posts from November, 2017

Design for UI

I have been developing my own rapid application development platform over jvm ecosystem for a while and the most fun part was design of the UI. Since many engineers as i am obsessed with backend, the UI part is also very important since many users will consider it instead of looking functionality, unfortunatelly! Even though i really love the UI like SAP R/3 or Oracle ADF, I have been started to check meterial design from google and flat design from Apple and really liked it(Obviously if you go with responsive design and many of the users would access to through tablet or smart phone, there is no other way around). Below screenshot is shown the design which i still playing around and try to find the most effective one...

Fedora 27 how to install broadcom wifi driver

If you would like to fedora workstation in your pc and if it does have broadcom wifi modul then it will be not recognized and installed by distro itself. Therefore driver should be installed manually. Lets see how, First of all check hardware if its exposed enter below command in terminal @localhost ~]$ lspci -k Broadcom device is seen as pci device  (Below screenshot shows wl kernel module is in use which means wifi module is loaded since i took this screenshot after wifi driver installation is done.) dSince broadcom  driver is not part of the free repo, RPM Fusion repository needs to be registered. RPM Fusion is repository where the packages that fedora does not want to ship is provided. Below command registers free repository @localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm  Below command registers non-free repository @localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install ...